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Film Holding

Notes From the NHS Launch Event

Not Rated

180 mins 2D Digital Documentary Adults £9.00 Evening £10.00

For Movie Deals please call 015394 33845
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In a collaboration between Cinema For All and the NHS Wellbeing Hub, Notes from the NHS Frontline is a screening of three films which explore the reactions and experiences of NHS and care home staff from North East and North Cumbria to the pandemic. We are excited to host the launch of this programme at Zeffirellis in Ambleside.

Tickets for Notes From the NHS Frontline and are free and there will be an opportunity to stay afterwards for a tea or coffee and speak to the Wellbeing hub staff about their work. These events are aimed at keyworkers and public sector workers, as well as their families, friends and communities. We hope this event will provide the space to reflect, connect, and give gratitude.


Notes from the Frontline (1 hr 7mins)
Playback Theatre (13 mins)
Care Home (9 mins)

In a collaboration between Cinema For All and the NHS Wellbeing Hub, Notes from the NHS Frontline is a screening of three films which explore the reactions and experiences of NHS and care home staff from North East and North Cumbria to the pandemic. We are excited to host the launch of this programme at Zeffirellis in Ambleside.

Tickets for Notes From the NHS Frontline and are free and there will be an opportunity to stay afterwards for a tea or coffee and speak to the Wellbeing hub staff about their work. These events are aimed at keyworkers and public sector workers, as well as their families, friends and communities. We hope this event will provide the space to reflect, connect, and give gratitude.


Notes from the Frontline (1 hr 7mins)
Playback Theatre (13 mins)
Care Home (9 mins)

If you wish to book a movie deal for this film, please do not book online, but call us on 015394 33845.