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HARD OF HEARING: Horizon: An American Saga 1

Rated 15

181 mins 2D Digital Drama Adults £9.00 Evening £10.00

For Movie Deals please call 015394 33845
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This film will be subtitled for the hard of hearing

In the great tradition of Warner Bros. Pictures’ iconic Westerns, Horizon: An American Saga explores the lure of the Old West and how it was won—and lost—through the blood, sweat and tears of many. Spanning the four years of the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865, Kevin Costner’s ambitious cinematic adventure will take audiences on an emotional journey across a country at war with itself, experienced through the lens of families, friends and foes all attempting to discover what it truly means to be the United States of America.

Content Advisory: strong violence, bloody images, sex
First UK Showing: 28th June 2024

If you wish to book a movie deal for this film, please do not book online, but call us on 015394 33845.