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Bolshoi Ballet 2021-22 Season: Spartacus

Live via Satellite

In Imperial Rome led by Crassus, Spartacus andhis wife Phrygiaarereduced to slaveryand are separated by slave dealers. His love for her and his desirefor freedom lead him to revolt against the Roman army with the help of the other captives. But the treacherous Aegina, who seeks to conquer Crassus and gain power, will get in the way of Spartacus’s plan.

Hugein scaleand spectacularin effect, Spartacusis a true tour de forceof a ballet, set to Aram Khachaturian’s superb score.With anincredible display of mightfrom the fourleading dancersto the entire corps de ballet andits passionatepas de deux, Spartacusis the ultimate spectacle of virtuosity and lyricism born at the Bolshoi Theatre.

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